Ces organisations, collectifs et individus sont partenaires de Women Help Women:
(DR Congo) SOS Femme, Enfant en Catastrophe, SOSFEC
Mission de l'organisation: Promouvoir les droits sexuels et santé reproductifs et Assurer une amélioration des droits de la femme et de l’enfant par les actions de développement durable socio-économique, culturel sanitaire et politique.
Location: Province du Sud-Kivu, Uvira, RD Congo Lire plus » -
(DR Congo) Congolese Organization for Protection of Oppressed people and environment
OCPO-asbl fight for dignity and sanitary, social and economic well being to oppressed people in a compatible environment with the life, especially girls and women.
Location: Uvira city, South-Kivu province, DR Congo Lire plus » -
(DR Congo) Jeunesse Pour La Sante Reproductive / Youth Reproductive Health
Jeunesse Pour La Sante Reproductive fosters and empowers youth groups and other CSOs to build a strong youth movement from the grassroots to bring positive change of individual behavior and social policy context by increasing community awareness of gender dynamics and the social and policy context… Lire plus »
(DR Congo) Reseau d'Action et d'Information Pour Les Femmes: RAIF
Mission: promouvoir la santé reproductive et sexuelle des femmes et filles, promouvoir le développement intégré, promouvoir les droits des femmes et leur indépendance économique, promotion de la femme dans la prise de décision au sein des institutions politique, promouvoir l’éducation formelle et… Lire plus »
(Gabon) Sensibilation Sante Sexualite
Promotion des droits en santé sexuelle et de la reproduction des jeunes et des femmes vulnérables
• Contribuer à l'amélioration de la santé globale par la réduction des comportements sexuels à risque (grossesses non désirées, avortements clandestins, VIH, IST, violences sexuelles etc.)
• Contribuer… Lire plus » -
(Kenya) Dandelion Kenya
Dandelion Kenya's mission is to empower women and youth especially girls through education in their endeavors and aspiration for self-reliance. We aim to achieve self-reliance through creating a sustainable, better, healthier and socially just society. We commit to advocate for gender equality and… Lire plus »
(Kenya) Fortress of Hope Africa
FOHA’s goal is to create an environment where adolescent girls can discover as a community, their talents and potential, achieve self-value, self-actualization and discipline through economic and social empowerment as measured by health seeking behavior, education, economic security, control over… Lire plus »
(Kenya) Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health, TICAH
The goal of Aunty Jane hotline is to improve options for Kenyan women and girls and reduce maternal mortality and morbidity by increasing access to information on sexual and reproductive health for women and girls to make decisions about their bodies and have the services and support required to… Lire plus »
(Malawi) Centre for Girls and Interaction, CEGI
CEGI's mission is to mobilize young women and girls to achieve their full potential in meeting their
needs through promotion of girl’s participation and interaction for change
Location: Mzuzu, Malawi Lire plus » -
(Malawi) Centre for Social Concern and Development, CESOCODE
To advocate for the voice and action that would avert the plight of young women and girls and facilitate a visible and unique promotion of their Reproductive Health Rights.
Location: Blantyre, Malawi Lire plus » -
(Nigeria) Generation Initiative For Women and Youth Network, GIWYN
Building and strengthening women and youths in sustainable development activities, to live in a peaceful and healthier environment and to enjoy their reproductive rights. GIWYN works for a violence free society where women can enjoy social, political, cultural, economic and reproductive health… Lire plus »
(South Africa) FemmeProjects - Freedom of Education Motivates Empowerment
Our mission is to provide accurate Reproductive Justice information to all.
Location: South Africa Lire plus » -
(Tanzania) Women's Promotion Centre
The mission of WPC is to foster and empower women groups, to build a strong women movement from the grassroots to bring positive change of individual behavior and social policy context toward the respect of women’s rights.
Location: Kigoma, Tanzania Lire plus » -
(Uganda) The Community Health Rights Network COHERINET
Our mission is to advance, promote and defend health rights including sexual and reproductive and rights of women and girls at the grass root communities in Uganda (increasing access to safe and legal abortion services and reducing abortion stigma). Lire plus »
(Zambia) Changed Women
To empower women, youths and adolescent mothers through proper health education and other interactive methodologies as forums on women’s SRHRs, family planning, HIV prevention and safe abortion. Lire plus »
Asia Safe Abortion Partnership
ASAP promotes, protects and advances women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health in Asia by reducing unsafe abortion and its complications.
Location: Mumbai, India (Asia Pacific) Lire plus » -
(Bangladesh) Community Life
Community Life facilitates participatory and sustainable strategies of rural poor women, adolescent girl, women with disability, children, indigenous and minority groups and the disadvantaged women to enhance their rights, economic sustainability and better life leading based on self-determination Lire plus »
(Indonesia) Samsara
Samsara vision is to create a more open world without discrimination and judgment where everyone acknowledge their rights and have autonomy over their own bodies and rights.
Location: Indonesia Lire plus » -
(Pakistan) Peace Foundation Pakistan
Sexually empower women, sovereign power over her bodily decisions. Pace Foundation strives to bring about gender equality in sexual and reproductive related issues with participatory approaches. Including men and women from all walks of life for sexual awareness and motivation for safer and… Lire plus »
(Thailand) Tamtang Group
Thai women and other nationality in Thailand (and Thai women outside Thailand) access to non-biased information needed about access to safe abortion, can make consent decision and well-prepared in access to safe abortion service. Campaign for Rights of women in access to safe abortion using message… Lire plus »
(Central and Eastern Europe) ASTRA Network
ASTRA advocates for the full implementation of sexual and reproductive health and rights with special focus on specific reality of women in Central and Eastern Europe and aims at the prioritization of SRHR on international, regional and national agendas, in particular in the EU and UN institutions. Lire plus »
(Germany) Ciocia Basia
Ciocia Basia reaches out and assists people living in Poland to access a safe abortion in Berlin.
Location: Berlin, Germany Lire plus » -
(England) Speaking of I.M.E.L.D.A. (Speaking of Ireland Making England the Legal Destination for Abortion)
Speaking of I.M.E.L.D.A. (Speaking of Ireland Making England the Legal Destination for Abortion) is a London-based, direct-action feminist performance group. We challenge the restrictions placed on abortion services in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and campaign for access to… Lire plus »
(Europe) Supporting Abortions for Everyone – S.A.F.E.
S.A.F.E champions abortion access for the people failed by governments and healthcare services across Europe. We provide infrastructure, funding, knowledge, and other resources needed to turbo-charge the grassroots abortion movement, ensuring true reproductive justice.
We are Supporting Abortions… Lire plus » -
(Ireland) Need Abortion Ireland
Need Abortion Ireland supports people in Ireland seeking abortions. We provide information, support, and practical resources such as care packages and a text support line especially to help those having medical abortions at home.
Location: Ireland
Lire plus » -
(Ireland) Re(al)-Productive Health
Re(al)-Productive Health is a working group which aims to promote access to emergency hormonal contraception, or ‘the morning after pill’ in Ireland, and to improve reproductive rights and well-being more broadly for women living here. We aim to promote and disseminate information, challenge and… Lire plus »
(Malta) Doctors for Choice Malta
Our mission is to advocate for comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare that is safe, equitable and accessible.
Il-missjoni tagħna hija li nkunu vuċi favur il-provvediment ta’ servizzi tas-saħħa riproduttivi u sesswali li huma siguri, ekwitabbli, u aċċessibbli. Lire plus » -
(Moldova) Reproductive Health Training Center, RHTC
The Reproductive Health Training Center of the Republic of Moldova (RHTC) is a non-governmental organization, founded in 1998, with the mission to protect and promote reproductive and sexual rights and health in Moldova.
Location: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Lire plus » -
(Northern Ireland) Alliance for Choice
Alliance for Choice campaigns for the extension of the 1967 Abortion Act to Northern Ireland. It comprises women and men, Catholic and Protestant, who want to see equality and self-determination for women and end the hypocrisy that says there is “no demand for abortion rights” in the North of… Lire plus »
(Poland) Kobiety w Sieci
Kobiety w Sieci’s mission is to give all women information how to get abortion in Poland, legal and restricted. We give women virtual mental support while they are during the process of abortion. Our work is not only about abortion, we also support the choices of contraceptive methods, including… Lire plus »
(Argentina) The Feminist Consultant - Feminist Health Collective
Working to ensure access to reproductive health services such as contraception, counselling on reproductive options, education on sex and gender violence, and legal abortions for girls, adolescents and women. Training health teams and generating communication and dissemination strategies on… Lire plus »
(Argentina) Socorristas en Red (feministas que abortamos)
Contribuir al desarrollo y la efectivización de los derechos humanos de las mujeres en general y de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, en particular; a la autonomía corporal de las mujeres y a la creación y extensión de grupos feministas que trabajen en forma articulada. Profundizar la lucha… Lire plus »
(Chile) Lesbianas y Feministas por el Derecho a la Información
Entregar información a las mujeres sobre cómo abortar con pastillas hasta la semana 12 de embarazo. Difundir los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres. Difundir la propuesta lésbica feminista de transformación de las relaciones humanas.
Ubicacion: Concepción, Chile Lire plus » -
(Chile) Línea Aborto Libre
Línea Aborto Libre es una organización feminista autónoma, organizadas por la urgencia de la situación del aborto en Chile, uno de los pocos países del mundo donde el aborto está prohibido en todas sus formas. Desde el año 2009 entrega herramientas consistentes en información segura a las mujeres… Lire plus »
(Ecuador) Colectiva Salud Mujeres Ecuador
Proveer a las mujeres información gratuita, oportuna y científica acerca de cómo se puede interrumpir un embarazo con medicamentos (Misoprostol) de manera segura, con el fin de evitar más muertes de mujeres por abortos inseguros practicados en la clandestinidad compartiendo con otras mujeres los… Lire plus »
(Mexico) Center for Holistic Attention to Couples
Offers medical services on Sexual and Reproductive Health with a special program for comprehensive attention on safe and legal abortion .
Location: Mexico City, Mexico Lire plus » -
(Mexico) MARIA Abortion Fund for Social Justice
Increase awareness about the right to safe abortion for all women in Mexico and work to ensure all women in Mexico get access to safe abortion information and services, within a framework of social justice and empowerment.
Location: Mexico City, Mexico Lire plus » -
(USA) Gynuity Health Projects
Gynuity is a research and technical assistance organization that works globally to ensure that reproductive health technologies are widely available at reasonable cost, provided in the context of high-quality services, and offered in a way that recognizes the dignity and autonomy of each individual. Lire plus »
(USA) Ibis Reproductive Health
Ibis’s mission is to improve women’s reproductive autonomy, choices, and health worldwide. Our core activity is clinical and social science research on issues receiving inadequate attention and where evidence gaps exist. We partner with advocates and stakeholders who use our research to improve… Lire plus »
(New Zealand) ALRANZ – Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand
We want New Zealand law changed to allow women free choice – to be able to choose whether to continue with an unplanned pregnancy or to obtain an abortion
Location: New Zealand Lire plus »