blog archive


Strona 5 / 19
  • Good News: These Ohio cities just said "no" to banning abortion

    Ohio lawmakers have proposed their own version of Texas's SB8 (the six-week abortion ban wreaking havoc on those seeking abortion care in the state), except this one is somehow even worse - it's a total abortion ban . Ohio's current abortion restrictions include state directed "counseling" , which… Więcej »

  • What Ohio's proposed abortion ban has to do with abortion pill "reversal"

    This legislation has nothing to do with science Więcej »

  • California Doubles Down on Reproductive Freedom

    State asks experts for policy suggestions to ensure abortion access. Więcej »

  • A Free Online Class About Abortion With Pills

    It’s short, engaging, and packed with facts! Więcej »

  • 4 things you'll encounter if you visit a Crisis Pregnancy Center (and 1 thing you won't)

    Here's a peek at what you might expect to find Więcej »

  • Abortion Pills for the Not Currently Pregnant

    Should we keep them around, just in case? Więcej »

  • Aborcja Bez Granic pomogła 34 tysiącom osób w dostępie do aborcji od wyroku TK

    Rok roku temu – 22 października 2020 Trybunał Konstytucyjny wydał decyzję o niezgodności z konstytucją przesłanki dopuszczalności przeprowadzenia aborcji z przyczyn embriopatologicznych w ustawie antyaborcyjnej. Choć decyzja weszła w życie dopiero pod koniec stycznia, to w praktyce zmiana ta… Więcej »

  • Abortion Pills are NOT a Substitute for Making In-Clinic Abortions Accessible

    Just because they're an option for some doesn't mean that clinic access no longer matters Więcej »

  • It's not just Texas: These states are eyeing legislation like SB8

    The reality is that Texas's law is likely only the beginning. Więcej »

  • California Increases Legal Protections for Abortion Patients

    New laws protect privacy and criminalize harassment Więcej »

  • 3 Lies about Abortion in Texas's Mandated Pre-Abortion Literature

    Fear-mongering has won out over actual science Więcej »

  • Have You Heard?

    Listen and learn with some great podcasts about abortion! Więcej »

  • Mifepristone as a treatment for uterine fibroids

    What you need to know Więcej »

  • A new look for the SASS website

    Check out the updates! Więcej »

  • Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online About “Natural” Remedies

    They can be ineffective – or worse! Więcej »

  • It just got easier to get an abortion in Indiana

    We could all use some good news, right? Więcej »

  • Navigating Restrictions on Telemedicine Abortion

    A creative approach to getting abortion pills by mail. Więcej »

  • Let's talk about abortion activism in Malta

    Malta remains the only country in Europe where abortion is illegal in all circumstances. Więcej »

  • Introducing Apiary: A Hub for Groups Helping People Access Abortion

    New organization will help practical support orgs work together. Więcej »

  • 5 times abortion was portrayed on TV and how that went

    The good, the bad, the inaccurate, and the stigma-laden. Więcej »