blog archive


Strona 16 / 20
  • In Post Hurricane Puerto Rico, DIY Abortion Is an Important Option

    The answer to the question "How are people doing in Puerto Rico now?" is still, more than five months after Hurricane Maria struck on September 20, 2017, dismal, at best. Więcej »

  • Another Study Proves Safety of Self-Managed Abortion

    A new study offers reassuring evidence about using misoprostol alone for self-induced abortion. Więcej »

  • ¡Es TU cuerpo y TU decisión!

    ¿Por qué deciden las personas interrumpir el embarazo? Cada persona es diferente y cada razón es importante y válida. Muchas personas se encuentran sin recursos de criar otro hijo, o son demasiados/as jóvenes para tener a un hijo. También es posible que estén en problemas criando a los hijos a que… Więcej »

  • The Abortion Pill May Soon Be Available on College Campuses in California

    California Senate Bill 320, would require the University of California and California State University to carry the abortion pill at all student health centers. Więcej »

  • Women in British Columbia Will Have Access to Free Mifegymiso Starting January 15

    British Columbia has become the sixth province in Canada to provide free access to Mifegymiso, a safe abortion pill used to terminate pregnancy in the first nine weeks. Więcej »

  • The stories we can't tell - an anonymous testimonial

    Earlier this year, one of my employees took me aside and told me a secret - “I’m pregnant – and one of my friends told me you can help." It's not the first time I heard that; I help women find misoprostol from time to time – but I live in a deeply Catholic country where abortion is illegal, and… Więcej »

  • ¿Qué síntomas no son normales después de tomar las píldoras?

    Si se tiene la información precisa, el aborto con pastillas de Misoprostol hasta las 12 semana es un procedimiento seguro, solo en casos excepcionales se producen complicaciones que hacen necesario que las mujeres tengan que acudir a recibir atención médica urgente.  Es por estas posibles… Więcej »

  • What Happens During a Self-Managed Abortion?

    How to manage a safe abortion with pills Więcej »

  • The Reality of Accessing Abortion in the Bluest of States

    Last month, while visiting Massachusetts, the state where I was born and went college, I noticed a sign on someone's front lawn  that said "Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortion." I'm always a little surprised to see displays of right wing politics in Massachusetts; although all the state's 11 electoral… Więcej »

  • Aborto Autoinducido, Seguro y con Apoyo

    Como autoinducir un aborto con pastillas Więcej »

  • Why Would Someone Choose Self-Managed Abortion?

    To many people, DIY abortion may seem like an impossibility. However, it is more widespread than you may believe, even here in the US. Increased legal and political threats to access to clinic-based services – along with the existing barriers to access such as geography, finances, and support –… Więcej »

  • Seoul Feminists set up Abortion Pill Vending Machine

    Brave and creative feminist group Femi Dang-dang changes the conversation on self-managed abortion in Korea Więcej »

  • Abortion in the US Military

    Like a strong military, keeping proper care out of the hands of women is a time-honored American tradition. Więcej »

  • No Nostalgia for Life Before Roe v. Wade

    The videos are a sobering reminder that anti-abortion activists want to return us to a world where women are punished for daring to be sexual Więcej »

  • CPCs: It’s Time to Expose these Fake Clinics

    Photos courtesy of Austin NOW’s CPC protests Więcej »

  • El acceso a un aborto seguro es justica

    Para una mujer tomar la decisión de abortar no es nada fácil, no porque las mujeres no sean capaces de decidir qué es lo mejor para ellas en ese momento, sino por todas las barreras y el estigma al que se enfrenta al buscar terminar un embarazo no deseado. Abortar es un derecho que se nos ha negado… Więcej »

  • Another day, another abortion restriction

    The right to a safe and legal abortion was determined in a Supreme Court case over 40 years ago and has been supported in more recent court cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. Despite this, representatives continue to use time and taxpayer resources to… Więcej »

  • Information and Support on Self-Managed Abortion

    Learn more about self-managed medical abortion in the US. Więcej »

  • Oklahoma Women Retain Right to Evidence-Based Treatment

    Oklahoma County District Judge Patricia Parrish overturned a 2014 state law that would have forced doctors to follow an older protocol for mifepristone Więcej »

  • Undocumented Woman in Texas Blocked from Obtaining an Abortion

    A young undocumented woman in Texas has been held by federal officials to prevent her from accessing an abortion. Więcej »