(Poland) Kobiety w Sieci
Kobiety w Sieci’s mission is to give all women information how to get abortion in Poland, legal and restricted. We give women virtual mental support while they are during the process of abortion. Our work is not only about abortion, we also support the choices of contraceptive methods, including contraception after abortion.
Location: Poland

Key projects:
- Education in contraceptive methods for adults
- Information about abortion methods available for Polish women
- Support after the abortion
- Sexual and Reproductive rights - what is “allowed” in Poland and what not
- Traditional and social media outreach of Kobiety w Sieci
- International cooperation with other hotlines/groups
Expertise offered:
We can offer our experience in building an internet forum. We’ve managed ours since 2006 also from 2012 have worked on abortion hotline.
Dream project:
Sexual education for youth in Polish school and more access to safe abortion in Poland.
Social media:
Interested in donating to Kobiety w Sieci?
Email: administracja@maszwybor.net