blog archive
Undocumented Woman in Texas Blocked from Obtaining an Abortion
A young undocumented woman in Texas has been held by federal officials to prevent her from accessing an abortion. 더 보기 »
SASS in the Press!
The SASS project has made a big splash - check out our press hits! 더 보기 »
The Hypocrisy of the Right
Why is it, decades after the establishment of abortion as a constitutional right, that we have lawmakers and leaders chipping away at abortion access and calling for the punishment of people who seek to exercise their rights? 더 보기 »
House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban
Yesterday, the US House of Representatives voted on legislation that would create a national ban on abortions after 20 weeks, with minor exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. 더 보기 »
Contraceptives in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas
Texas is a hostile place for women, but there are networks and programs that make contraceptives accessible for women. 더 보기 »
New Study Confirms Safety of Abortion by Telemedicine
A new study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology confirms what millions of women already know – taking the abortion pill can be just as safe via telemedicine in their own home as it is in the physical presence of a doctor. 더 보기 »
Looking for reliable abortion pills in Indonesia?
Here are the sources you can TRUST : MAMAMISO ID LINE: MAMAMISO MISOCARE ID LINE: MISOCARE SITUS: MISOSAFE SITUS: IG: @misosafe_foryou WA: 081338161007 MISO4U IG: @miso4you ID LINE: MISOFORYOU Telepon: 087881905909 WARNING: Below is a list of… 더 보기 »
We Are Not a Special Interest
The Democratic Party's Better Deal agenda ignores a huge bottom line issue: reproductive rights. 더 보기 »
How You Can Help
How you can help spread the word about SASS 더 보기 »
What is Self-Managed Abortion?
More information about the SASS project 더 보기 »
Women Help Women in Bahasa Indonesia!
Women Help Women and our partner Samsara are excited to post a translation of the Information on Medical Abortion/Frequently Asked Questions part of the WHW website in Bahasa! We hope that this resource will help women who speak Bahasa Indonesia to have all the information that they need to have… 더 보기 »
Self-Managed Abortion: Now in the USA!
Self-managed Abortion; Safe and Supported is a new project to provide information and support to women in the USA around self managed abortion, to reduce any negative health impact associated with unsafe abortion methods, and to ensure that self-managed abortions are medically and legally as safe… 더 보기 »
Red Feminista y Lesbofeminista entrega información para el Aborto Seguro, Libre y Autónomo
Como Red feminista y Lesbofeminista de entrega de información para un aborto libre, seguro y autónomo, estamos muy felices de compartir nuestro accionar político y concreto que llevamos construyendo a pulso, a base de rebeldía y amor entre mujeres. Juntas hemos levantado la campaña #Misopatodas la… 더 보기 »
Safe Abortion Hotline in Honduras
La Línea, in Honduras, gives safe, confidential and scientific information about safe abortion and about emergency contraception. They are the only hotline giving this information in Honduras, where there is a critical need for this support of women´s reproductive rights and health! 더 보기 »
Defiéndete de la violencia obstétrica
Women Help Women in collaboration with activists and partners in Latin America and around the world has launched a new resource as part of the May 28th International Day of Action for Women´s Health! Obstetric violence related to abortion is not always recongnized as such , but we know that women… 더 보기 »
Information on Safe Medical Abortion in Haitian Creole
A new infographic on the safe use of misoprostol for abortion has been published by the Chilean abortion hotline, Línea Aborto Chile. Now that more Haitian immigrants are living in Chile, and not all of them speak Spanish, the hotline found it important to make this information available. Abortion… 더 보기 »
Women Help Women Announces the Launch of the First Counseling Helpline in U.S. for Self-Managed Abortions
Boston, MA (April 27, 2017) – Today Women Help Women (WHW) will launch a first-of-its-kind online service to provide individualize, online support and information to people in the U.S. with unwanted pregnancies who are considering or using abortion pills on their own. This service, called Self 더 보기 »
Women Help Women - why we do what we do?
This interview with Kinga Jelinska of Women Help Women comes from ProMosaik. 더 보기 »
Abortion Dream Team on Tour in Poland
Conversations about abortion across Poland. 더 보기 »
Research: How can a state control swallowing? The home use of abortion pills in Ireland.
Research by professor Sally Sheldon published in Reproductive Health Matters. 더 보기 »