blog archive


Strona 6 / 19
  • Now There's an Abortion Fund Just for Self-Managed Abortion

    Abortion funds exist to remove the financial and logistical barriers to abortion Więcej »

  • 4 out of 5 US Adults Have Never Heard of Abortion Pills

    You can’t use something if you don’t know it exists Więcej »

  • New Legal Defense Fund Helps Defend Self-Managed Abortion

    Will cover legal fees for people prosecuted for ending their own pregnancies Więcej »

  • This kids' book is the first of its kind, and that's not all that makes it revolutionary

    What's an Abortion, Anyway? is a picture book that's medically accurate, gender-inclusive, and affirming of the many reasons people have abortions Więcej »

  • There Are No Good Abortion Laws

    Rights, risks, and resources. Więcej »

  • Preserving Abortion Access If Roe v. Wade Falls

    A comprehensive guide gets an up-to-the-minute update. Więcej »

  • You Should Know about This: The FACE Act and Abortion Access

    Getting to a clinic where abortions are provider can be an arduous task in itself Więcej »

  • These US States Have Only One Abortion Clinic: Here's What Getting to It Could Involve

    When we talk about abortion access, we're not only talking about its legality. Więcej »

  • Information is Power – and Hope

    Join the fight to make sure everyone can make their own reproductive decisions. Więcej »

  • FDA Lifts Restrictions on Abortion Pills by Mail

    What you need to know about what is and isn’t allowed now Więcej »

  • This Nebraska town just banned abortion

    Does it matter if abortion is legal if it's not accessible? Więcej »

  • Pół roku od wyroku – Aborcja Bez Granic pomogła tysiącom osób z Polski w aborcji.

    Dokładnie pół roku temu - 22 października 2020 Trybunał Konstytucyjny wydał decyzję o niezgodności z konstytucją przesłanki dopuszczalności przeprowadzenia aborcji z przyczyn embriopatologicznych w ustawie antyaborcyjnej. Choć decyzja weszła w życie dopiero pod koniec stycznia, to w praktyce zmiana… Więcej »

  • You Should Know about This: The People's Lawsuit

    The state of Texas has become synonymous with anti-abortion legislation Więcej »

  • Abortion & Miscarriage Should Not Be a Crime

    American Bar Association stands up for decriminalizing pregnancy outcomes Więcej »

  • There's a new Planned Parenthood in Texas: Here's Why It's a Big Deal

    It seems as though every day there's a new attempt to ban abortion in Texas. Więcej »

  • What to Know and Do After an Abortion With Pills

    The process doesn’t end when the pregnancy does. Więcej »

  • This 13 minute film clarifies how inaccessible abortion really is

    In 13 minutes, "Abortion Helpline" allows us to glimpse the gruesome reality of how the Hyde Amendment impacts low income people seeking abortion. Więcej »

  • Improving Abortion Access in California

    Lawmakers propose new reproductive justice legislation. Więcej »

  • Abortion Restrictions Aren't about Safety

    Restrictions on abortion access existed well before COVID, and these restrictions haven't disappeared with it. Więcej »

  • 4 Important US Reproductive Rights Policies to Understand and Tell Your Friends About

    A lot is already changing when it comes to US policy Więcej »