blog archive


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  • Become a Safe, Trustworthy Source of Abortion Pill Info

    Join one of our virtual trainings! 続きを読む »

  • If It Looks like Antis Want People to Die for Their Pregnancies, It's Because They Do

    January 20th marked the 50th anniversary of the March for Life, and the first since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022. As predicted, it was a celebration of the end of Roe , and confirmed what those working for abortion justice have long known to be true: The pregnant person is most… 続きを読む »

  • Planning for Your Self-Managed Abortion

    Be prepared, be safe, be comfortable! 続きを読む »

  • 3 Times When Your Abortion Stigma Might be Triggered and What to do About It

    As people working for abortion justice, it's difficult to sit with the fact that we carry untrue and dangerous beliefs about abortion that are harmful to people who seek abortion care, also known as abortion stigma .  It can be particularly intense when we're confronted by others with those exact… 続きを読む »

  • Stay Warm, Stay Safe

    Being ready when the weather outside is frightful. 続きを読む »

  • How Many Abortions Can I Have?

    As many as you need. 続きを読む »

  • December is a Great Time to Spread the Word about Abortion Pills

    There is no bad time to let people know about the existence of abortion pills, but during the dense brick of time between Christmas and New Year's is particularly important. Why? People are together. Regardless of whether or not you spend time with family or observe any holidays in December, the… 続きを読む »

  • How to Talk (Or Not Talk) about Abortion at Holiday Gatherings (or Any Time)

    The holidays are upon us and that means potentially sitting around and talking to people whose politics may or may not resemble yours. You might head into these gatherings dead set on not having uncomfortable conversations, but that doesn't mean they won't happen. You might decide the holidays are… 続きを読む »

  • Here are the 4 Organizations Responsible for Most Fake Clinics

    Before we get to the names, a quick review of fake clinics (also known as crisis pregnancy centers ): they're anti-abortion organizations masquerading as actual medical clinics, but in fact provide no medical services. They do peddle inaccurate information about pregnancy, abortion,  and sex, and… 続きを読む »

  • How Long Do Abortion Pills Last?

    Tips for managing an emergency supply. 続きを読む »

  • All Abortion Bans are Bad

    We can't afford to be complacent. 続きを読む »

  • More Difficult is not Impossible

    Refusing to give up on making abortion accessible. 続きを読む »

  • No More Coat Hanger Imagery, Please. Here's Why

    We don't need to be provocative or distracted 続きを読む »

  • Who can and can’t use abortion pills?

    Hint: most people can! 続きを読む »

  • There Will Be Blood

    What to know about bleeding during SMA. 続きを読む »

  • Abortion Without Borders helps almost 80,000 people access abortions in place of the Polish state

    Two years on from Poland’s decision to effectively ban abortion, members of Abortion Without Borders have supported 78,000 people from Poland to access abortions safely.

    In the last year, AWB has helped 44,000 people, with more than 1,200 able to terminate their pregnancies in the second trimester… 続きを読む »

  • How Long Does a Self-Managed Abortion Take?

    Planning your time for safety and comfort. 続きを読む »

  • Abortion pills for the sensitive stomach

    Tips for preventing and coping with nausea 続きを読む »

  • Your own, private abortion

    Abortion pills are a scientifically tested means of terminating an early pregnancy, but the benefits of using them actually go beyond their efficacy and safety. Let's take a look. You can take the pills at home, or in a place where you feel secure. If you opt for abortion pills and go to a clinic 続きを読む »

  • Three fascinating facts about medication abortion

    It’s safe, effective, and in demand! 続きを読む »