Szukaj abortion stigma Strona 4/10

  • What you should know about medical abortion and infection

    Being aware of risk, even when it's rare, is a vital part of taking care of yourself. Więcej »

  • Pół roku od wyroku – Aborcja Bez Granic pomogła tysiącom osób z Polski w aborcji.

    Dokładnie pół roku temu - 22 października 2020 Trybunał Konstytucyjny wydał decyzję o niezgodności z konstytucją przesłanki dopuszczalności przeprowadzenia aborcji z przyczyn embriopatologicznych w ustawie antyaborcyjnej. Choć decyzja weszła w życie dopiero pod koniec stycznia, to w praktyce zmiana… Więcej »

  • (Nigeria) Generation Initiative For Women and Youth Network, GIWYN

    Building and strengthening women and youths in sustainable development activities, to live in a peaceful and healthier environment and to enjoy their reproductive rights. GIWYN works for a violence free society where women can enjoy social, political, cultural, economic and reproductive health… Więcej »

  • 3 Lies about Abortion in Texas's Mandated Pre-Abortion Literature

    Fear-mongering has won out over actual science Więcej »

  • It's never too late to get active for abortion access

    When the news hit that the Supreme Court's decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization had been leaked , and that it spelled the end for Roe v. Wade, social media exploded with people voicing their shock and surprise. How could this happen with Biden as President and a newly elected… Więcej »

  • 5 times abortion was portrayed on TV and how that went

    The good, the bad, the inaccurate, and the stigma-laden. Więcej »

  • 5 ways you can help abortion seekers right now, no matter where you live

    You can make an impact on abortion access in your daily life Więcej »

  • Here's why self-managed abortion is a great option while the US is dealing with the Corona virus

    You don't need to go to a doctor or a hospital to take abortion pills. Więcej »

  • The Politicians Using Contraception as a Smoke Screen

    Republicans in the United States are using support for contraception as a smokescreen. Don’t buy it. Więcej »

  • Trans rights, Abortion Rights, and fighting Transphobia

    Fighting abortion stigma, transphobia, and the ongoing fight for bodily autonomy Więcej »