(Zambia) Changed Women


To empower women, youths and adolescent mothers through proper health education and other interactive methodologies as forums on women’s SRHRs, family planning, HIV prevention and safe abortion.

Key projects:

Women and adolescent girls must have the right to make their own decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being, and be able to choose whether, when and how many children to have. Changed woman is one of the organizations working to increase access to modern methods of family planning (which would ultimately reduce demand for unsafe abortion). Changed Woman help make the consequences of unsafe abortion more widely understood by teaching the women and adolescent mothers about Abortion. Changed woman believes that Culture, tradition, Stigma, discrimination, beliefs and the law have contributed to women and adolescent mothers not having accurate information or access to safe abortion.

In Zambia economic and load shedding situations have led to many social problems in districts, impacting sexual violence, unwanted pregnancies, and HIV infection. Many young women and girls are being led into commercial sex work due to poverty, inadequate knowledge and resources to engage in alternative income-generating activities. Changed woman is trying by all means to ensure that they have access to quality health services by empowering them with health education on HIV, TB and Abortion (safe and unsafe).

Changed woman is mobilizing the sex workers. Removing them from the streets and educating them on health related issues.

Expertise offered:

Some imaginative ideas for street campaigning e.g. our “airing our dirty laundry” clothesline, which includes facts about abortion locally and globally.

Dream project:

Changed woman dream is to ensure that women, youths and adolescent mothers who can  make their own decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being, and be able to choose whether, when and how many children to have.



Social media:


Interested in donating to Changed Woman?

Email: lottiemwale (at) hotmail.com
Changed Woman also solicit in kind donations such as shoes, clothes, sewing and knitting machines. Training in small businesses.