(Northern Ireland) Alliance for Choice
Alliance for Choice campaigns for the extension of the 1967 Abortion Act to Northern Ireland. It comprises women and men, Catholic and Protestant, who want to see equality and self-determination for women and end the hypocrisy that says there is “no demand for abortion rights” in the North of Ireland.
Location: Northern Ireland

Key projects:
Much of our work has been about making heard the voices of the tens of thousands of women from NI who have had abortions in England and elsewhere since 1967. We work on a range of levels: starting out a grassroots activist group, we have made submissions to local and United Nations human rights bodies. We lobby our Assembly, provide pro-choice education and training, and make sure pro-choice voices are heard in debates in the media. We work to let women know about the availability of the abortion pill from safe sites over the internet, to reduce the need for women to travel and pay huge costs to access safe abortion. In 2013, we published an Open Letter signed by over 100 women (and some men) asserting that we had taken the abortion pill to cause an abortion or had ‘aided and abetted’ a woman to access the pills.
Expertise offered:
Some imaginative ideas for street campaigning e.g. our “airing our dirty laundry” clothesline, which includes facts about abortion locally and globally.
Dream project:
Availability of abortion pills to all women that need them.
Social media: