SAFE ABORTION HOTLINES in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
quarta-feira, Setembro 16, 2015 blog Share
International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion published this information with help of Women Help Women.
Information on safe abortion for women and adolescent girls: 28 September 2015 theme Develop innovative ways of providing accurate and easily understandable information about safe abortion to women and adolescent girls in your country. Disseminate it widely. Use visuals as well as text. |
AFRICA Kenya Safe Abortion Hotline: Aunty Jane Aunty Jane is a hotline which provides reliable, safe and confidential information to save women's lives. This hotline is not a counseling or medical service. All the information provided by this hotline is public and based on objective research of the World Health Organization. The right and freedom to share and receive information is protected by the Kenyan constitution and human rights conventions. Some facts:
Jane wants to work with women in as many sectors of the population as possible to break communication and cultural barriers to spread this important life-saving information, and to format this information in a way that is user-friendly and relevant to the populace. The Aunty Jane hotline is available 24 hours a day, and allows callers to leave a message with their specific questions. Calls are charged at the normal rate, and callers can listen to the information as many times as necessary. The Aunty Jane Hotline gives information about:
Malawi Safe Abortion Hotline: Aunty Jane Aunty Jane Hotline is an Interactive Voice Response system, meaning women and girls can access information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in English and Chichewa. Aunty Jane Hotline gives information on post-partum haemorrhage prevention, contraception, unwanted pregnancy and abortion, and other sexual and reproductive health topics. Because abortion is a very stigmatized topic, the launch of this public hotline is an important step forward. Callers can leave a message or SMS and get a call back from a trained operator if they have specific questions or want to speak with someone. ![]() |
Morocco Safe Abortion Hotline Tel: (212) 0633234333 No further information. |
Nigeria Safe Abortion Hotline: Ms Rosy Our work is focused on increasing access for women to information on safe abortion services including the availability of misoprostol locally and to reduce abortion stigma. We have started a hotline to provide free, safe and reliable judgmental way, about contraception, the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, abortion and post abortion care, and prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. Callers can choose to talk one-on-one to a trained operator or can listen to pre-recorded information on the Interactive Voice Response system, which makes information available to women 24 hours a day. Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network (GIWYN) and allies named the hotline Ms Rosy Hotline. Ms Rosy Hotline (08097737600 or 08097738001) empowers women with knowledge about women's health and safe choices. It is an information service, not a medical service itself, and all the information provided is based on resources from the World Health Organization. To prepare for the hotline, GIWYN organized a workshop that was facilitated by non-medical trainers (consultants in international reproductive health) from Women Help Women and TICAH (Kenya), sponsored by the Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF). During the training, a misoprostol song was written. It was very exciting to sing it GIWYN and Allies were excited to launch Ms Rosy Hotline publicly with marches, music, and promotional materials like banners, stickers, buttons, aprons and T-shirts in Lagos on the 27September 2014, using the momentum of the 28 September Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Abortion. The launch involved the National Coalition for Safe Abortion member organizations and individuals. ![]() |
ASIA Bangladesh Safe Abortion Hotline "Naribandhob" Menstrual regulation (MR) is legal in Bangladesh up to 10 weeks from the last menstrual period, though many women still use unsafe methods to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Hopefully with this hotline more women will be able to access safe alternatives. A new sexual and productive health hotline is being launched in Dhaka, to provide women with information about reproductive health education, safe medical MR and the life-saving drug misoprostol . "Naribandhob" hotline can be reached at 088-01853-892424. The hotline will provide safe and scientific information on how a woman can use the life-saving drug misoprostol for safe MR, post-MR care, and to prevent deadly bleeding after giving birth (post-partum haemorrhage), the leading causes of maternal death and injury in Bangladesh. These deaths and injuries can be prevented if women are given safe and scientific information and access to essential medications and services. Information is provided free of charge through a regular mobile phone number. The hotline will be run by Community Life Bangladesh, in collaboration with the international reproductive health organizations Women on Waves (Netherlands), Women on Web, Asia Safe Abortion Partnership, and Aware Girls (Pakistan). Community Life is a community-based, rural, voluntary women's organization working for raising awareness and providing safe medical MR, information, contraception and women's reproductive rights. Misoprostol is available in Bangladesh under the brand names of Cytomis and Isovent. According to WHO, it is an essential obstetric and gynaecological medicine, and is safe to use for MR. It has been recognized to lower maternal mortality where it is made available to women. There is a need for safe MR services that has not been adequately covered by the available facilities. The hotline will refer to local clinics but also will inform women about the self-administration of MR using pills. Unsafe abortion is responsible for 8,000 maternal deaths and over 572,000 women suffering complications every year in Bangladesh. |
Indonesia Safe Abortion Hotline Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm Counselling by Phone +62813 27171188 (Simpati) +62857 29001188 (IM3) +62878 39770033 (XL) +62896 74677433 (Three) Counselling by Chat Yahoo Messanger ID : samsarakonseling Counselling by Online Form Counselling by E-mail E-mail : Website |
Malaysia Safe Abortion Hotline ![]() Selama hampir 3 tahun pertama, konseling untuk perempuan dengan stress paska aborsi merupakan fokus dari program konseling Samsara. Program ini pertama kali dimulai pada tahun 2008 dengan menyasar perempuan yang mengalami stress paska aborsi melalui media e-mail, telpon, atau tatap muka. Namun sejak 2010, berdasarkan evaluasi terhadap program yang telah dijalankan, layanan konseling Samsara dikembangkan menjadi konseling Kehamilan Tidak Direncanakan. Layanan konseling KTD Samsara merupakan akses perempuan terhadap informasi dan layanan penanganan KTD yang komprehensif dan pro perempuan. Dalam konseling ini perempuan dan pasangannya akan berbicara dengan konselor mengenai tiga pilihan perempuan saat kehamilan tidak direncanakan terjadi. Melalui media hotline dan email layanan konseling KTD, Samsara telah menjangkau perempuan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia baik yang berada di kota maupun pedesaan, dan tanpa memandang status pernikahannya. Anda dapat menghubungi hotline untuk memulai konseling di nomer berikut ini: 0813 2717 1188|0857 2900 1188|0878 3977 0033|0896 7467 7433 | Senin - Jumat Pkl 13.00 - 21.00 WIB Atau mengirimkan email ke alamat berikut ini |
Pakistan Safe Abortion Hotline "Sahailee" "Sahailee" means female friend in Urdu. Three phone lines give information in Urdu, Pastho, Hindi, and Punjabi - 24/7. These hotlines give information about how women can use the medication misoprostol to have a safe abortion, or to prevent dangerous haemorrhaging after giving birth. Every year 30,000 women die from pregnancy-related causes in Pakistan. The use of misoprostol by women themselves after giving birth or for induction of safe abortion can save the lives of 10,000 women in Pakistan every year. Misoprostol is available in Pakistan under the brand names Arthrotec, Cytotec, Cytopan, and ST Mom®. Asia Safe Abortion Partnership facilitated the launch of the hotline with three local partners, Aware Girls, Peace Foundation and Wake-up Call International, in collaboration with Women on Waves and Women on Web, funded by Mama Cash. This hotline puts life-saving information directly into the hands of the women who need it:
Analysis of the calls tells us that this has potential as an effective communication strategy in a restrictive environment and a promising way of decentralizing medical abortion access. The Hotline was accessed by men as well as women. Callers were aged 16-46 years and most often married. There were few young, unmarried women also accessing the lines. The callers were most often women with three or more children, seeking information about medical abortion. Most have had either secondary or higher secondary schooling and a majority were employed (formal or self-employed). There were more callers from urban areas than rural. Literacy levels are low in rural Pakistan, so the stickers and flyers may not have been a useful means to reach rural women. It is also likely that women in the urban areas have greater access to telephones. Our partners are now using different strategies for communicating with women, such as radio advertisements, slogans, radio interviews, and pictorial material. They also plan to involve traditional birth attendants, sex workers and Lady Health Workers to reach women in their homes. The callers are very satisfied with the information provided by the Hotline and are willing to refer others if needed. The same findings are seen for the follow-up calls too. The follow-up calls were mainly to get more information about the abortion pill, the abortion procedure or minor side effects. Very few follow-up calls (6%) were made for heavy bleeding, incomplete abortion, or failure of abortion. The Hotlines also have to address the failure of medical abortion with appropriate referral. |
Philippines Safe Abortion Hotline "Ask Mads" Twitter: @askmadshotline Facebook: ![]() I'm Mads, your online friend. You can contact me if you need someone to talk to about these matters:
Sri Lanka "Ask us" Hotline for Contraceptive and Medical Abortion Information ![]() |
Thailand Safe Abortion Hotline ศูนย์รับปรึกษาปัญหาท้องไม่พร้อม 083 99 44 212 8 โมงถึง 10 โมงเช้า 089 006 3948 บ่ายโมงครึ่ง - สี่โมงครึ่งทุกวัน 084 46 34 647 จันทร์ - อังคารเวลา 6 โมงเย็น - 4 ทุ่ม 086 517 0544 6 โมงเย็นถึงสามทุ่ม วันพุธ - ศุกร์ 083 99 44 212: 8-10 am daily 089 006 3948: 13.00 - 16.30 daily 084 46 34 647: 6pm - 10 pm Mon-Tues 086 517 0544: 6pm - 9 pm Wed-Sun E-mail : Website : |
EUROPE Poland Safe Abortion Hotline Monday to Friday between 10.00 and 20.00: (0048) 725 892 134 (Plus) (0048) 503 937 745 (Orange) (0048) 730 861 724 (Play) Z gumką w piórniku" - akcja uliczna Ponton ![]() |
Germany:Ciocia Basia Contact: ; Tel: 00-49 15210385680 Support for women who want to come to Berlin to have an abortion; contact and appointments with confidential, non-judgemental counsellors and medical professionals who offer the abortion pill for 150 E and surgical abortion for 170 E; help with the translation into and from Polish; free accommodation in volunteer homes in Berlin if needed. |
LATIN AMERICAArgentina Socorristas en Red ![]() |
Argentina Safe Abortion Hotline (011) 156 664 7070![]() |
Chile Safe Abortion Hotline "Linea Aborto Libre" Tel: 75307461 - En Chile se estima que se realizan alrededor de 160 mil abortos al año en condiciones de clandestinidad. - En la línea telefónica se reciben entre 10 y 15 llamadas diarias en promedio de mujeres que necesitan información segura sobre cómo abortar. Línea Aborto Libre es una estrategia de Lesbianas y Feministas que sostiene diferentes herramientas para la entrega de información segura sobre aborto con medicamentos hasta las 12 semanas de gestación y para la defensa de las mujeres en el caso de verse enfrentadas a situaciones de violencia cultural, médica y/o policial. Entre nuestros medios destacan: la atención telefónica que opera de lunes a viernes entre las 8 y las 11 de la noche; iniciativa que fue traída a Chile por Feministas Bio Bio de Concepción, y que ha tenido excelentes resultados en otros países de América Latina y el Mundo; la distribución del primer manual de aborto con medicamentos editado en Chile,; la realización de talleres de capacitación presenciales y virtuales sobre salud sexual y aborto seguro; la coordinación junto a otras organizaciones sociales, feministas, políticas, estudiantes y/o de disidencia sexual para nuestra participación en espacios comunitarios, siendo parte de esta forma de la despenalización cultural del aborto en uno de los 5 países con las legislaturas más criminzalidoras del mundo en lo que respecta a derechos sexuales. Actualmente contamos con Centros de Atención Presenciales en las ciudades de Iquique y Santiago. Para coordinar una visita no duden en escribirnos a |
Ecuador Safe Abortion Hotline Tel: 593098301317 ![]() Somos jóvenes que luchamos para que las decisiones de todas las mujeres se respeten y se garanticen independientemente de lo que digan las leyes y las sociedades. Luchamos por un mundo más justo, digno y equitativo, que permita el ejercicio de la autonomía y soberanía en el cuerpo de cada persona. ![]() |
Mexico Fondo MARIA
Peru Safe Abortion Hotline Información segura sobre aborto y misoprostol en el Perú
Uruguay Safe Abortion Hotline - Línea Aborto - Información segura![]() La "Línea Aborto - Información Segura" es gratuita, confidencial y atendida por mujeres. Brindamos información, orientación y contención a mujeres que transitan un embarazo no deseado/planificado. En Uruguay desde Diciembre de 2012 existe una ley que permite la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo hasta las 12 semanas de gestación, que garantiza que seas atendida en todos los servicios de salud que integran el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud. Tienes derecho a una atención integral, confidencial y respetuosa de tus decisiones. ¿En qué casos llamar a la línea?
Thank you International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion!