Google searches for abortion pill double since 2004

hari Sabtu, Juni 9, 2018 blog Share

Global Google searches for Misoprostol have more than doubled over the past decade.

Internet search

According to a recent article from BBC, global Google searches for Misoprostol- a pill that when combined with Mifepristone can safely induce an abortion- have more than doubled over the past decade. The searches are particularly high in countries with restrictive abortion laws, such as Ghana, Brazil, and Nigeria.

SASS was created as a resource for the growing number of women searching for information about Misoprostol, abortion pills or “how to abort.” The organization is actively working to make sure that women are equipped with the right tools and have access to a safe abortion. In addition to SASS, there is a global network of groups and resources to help women obtain access to the abortion pill.

The medical community agrees that the abortion pill is a safe, effective, and largely complication-free method to end a pregnancy. A method that women around the world need.