(New Zealand) ALRANZ – Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand
We want New Zealand law changed to allow women free choice – to be able to choose whether to continue with an unplanned pregnancy or to obtain an abortion
Location: New Zealand

Key projects:
- supporting abortion providers
- training reproductive rights activists
- lobbying for reproductive rights and against their curtailment in Parliament
- being a voice for choice in the media and public discourse
Expertise offered:
In-country expertise on abortion law reform in the New Zealand context.
Dream project:
Build a new website for ALRANZ to showcase new branding and serve as a platform for expanded digital outreach and public engagement.
Social media:
blog: https://alranz.wordpress.com/
Interested in donating to ALRANZ?
https://givealittle.co.nz/org/ALRANZ or email at info@alranz.org