(Kenya) Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health, TICAH
The goal of Aunty Jane hotline is to improve options for Kenyan women and girls and reduce maternal mortality and morbidity by increasing access to information on sexual and reproductive health for women and girls to make decisions about their bodies and have the services and support required to act on those decisions.
Location: Kenya

Key projects:
Our Bodies Our choices: This program is based on the premise that all of us have the right to safe, equitable, pleasurable sexual lives. We work o ensure that all of us can make informed choices on our own terms, we mobilize community to advocate for choices and services.
Healthy Households: TICAH works with community groups to improve knowledge about herbal remedies, nutritious foods, common illnesses, and health services. Our goal is to help households make the best choices they can for themselves and their children.
Art with Heart: This program uses art for healing and expression by finding new spaces for learning and creating beauty and health. There is no health without art, without the ability to create and express, to question and celebrate.
Expertise offered:
Trainings in communities, stories collection, material development and documentation.
Dream project:
Community trainings and engagement to continue to create awareness on contraception, safe abortion and prevention of PPH. Use of new media to create awareness and support for the Aunty Jane Hotline.
Social media: