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  • Aborcja Bez Granic - POLSKA

    Warszawa, 11 grudnia 2019   “Aborcja Bez Granic” będzie zapewniać porady oraz wsparcie, organizacyjne i finansowe, wszystkim osobom z Polski potrzebującym aborcji. INFOLINIA DLA UŻYTKOWNICZEK I UŻYTKOWNIKÓW : +48 22 292 25 97 Dziś ruszyła nowa inicjatywa, “Aborcja Bez… 더 보기 »

  • Abortion Without Borders - POLAND

    Warsaw, 11 December 2019   " Abortion Without Borders "  will provide information, practical support and funding to people in Poland who need abortions   A new initiative launched today aims to help anyone in Poland who contacts them to access a safe abortion, either in Poland or abroad. The group… 더 보기 »

  • Talking About Abortion

    Moving away from “safe, legal, and rare.” 더 보기 »

  • The abortion pill conversation is spreading

    The more we talk about it, the better for everyone who can get pregnant. 더 보기 »

  • Just 5 Instagram Posts That Destigmatize Abortion

    Check them out, and while you're at it, follow us on Instagram at @sass_usa. 더 보기 »

  • Everybody's talking about abortion pills

    When even People magazine runs an article about something, it's not a secret any more. 더 보기 »

  • Six Sensational Reasons to Spell Abortions with an S

    A guest post by Karen Thurston 더 보기 »

  • Have you tried Euki yet?

    Euki is the new reproductive health app that doesn't store or share your data 더 보기 »

  • Three circumstances that might make using abortion pills right for you

    Self-managed abortion is one option for terminating an unwanted pregnancy. 더 보기 »

  • Six things to do before using the abortion pill

    These precautions make medication abortion safer and more effective 더 보기 »

  • What is Rhesus Incompatibility and What Does It Mean for Using the Abortion Pill?

    Don't let abortion stigma get in the way of your access to abortion care. 더 보기 »

  • Nausea and Medication Abortion

    How to manage abortion with pills when you're throwing up (or think you might) 더 보기 »

  • FYI, It's totally possible to be pregnant and not know it

    It might sound like the hook for a new reality series, but there are several reasons why you could be pregnant and not know it. 더 보기 »

  • Four Easy Ways to Fight Extreme Stigma

    A guest post by Karen Thurston 더 보기 »

  • International Safe Abortion Day 2019

    #MyAbortionMyHealth 더 보기 »

  • Facebook Doesn't Need to Know When I Have Sex

    Is your phone sharing your personal business with the world? 더 보기 »

  • Will a doctor be able to tell if you've taken abortion pills?

    Can a doctor tell if someone has used abortion pills? 더 보기 »

  • Another US City Steps Up for Abortion Access

    Austin allocates money to help tear down logistical barriers to care. 더 보기 »

  • Announcing Euki, A New Sexual & Reproductive Health App

    SASS is excited to introduce you to Euki – an app for anyone who wants accurate, complete, and unbiased information about sexual and reproductive health (SRH). You can download it in the Apple app store and Google Play store . Euki, a name that evokes eucalyptus, a plant associated with soothing… 더 보기 »

  • Can you use abortion pills if you've had a caesarean section?

    Don't let stigma get in the way of facts. 더 보기 »