Everyone Deserves to Know About Abortion Pills

dimanche, novembre 1, 2020 blog Share

Six fun ways to help us break the silence!


You might be reading this blog because you think you might need to know about abortion with pills some day – or you might be reading it because you need the information right now. Either way, we share basic information about healthy sexuality, safe sex, contraception, and abortion because we believe you deserve to have a complete owner’s manual for your own body.

Everyone who can get pregnant deserves the facts about what medication abortion is and how to get and use it safely. We want to make sure you have that information when you need it. But we also want to make sure people know it before they need it, or even if they never do! The more widespread this information is, the less people will have to scramble to educate themselves in a hurry – and the less likely they’ll be to get confused or sidetracked by inaccurate information or deliberate lies.

Between the pandemic and lawmakers’ attempts to make abortion inaccessible, it’s more important than ever to make sure that everyone knows about self-managed abortion with pills. Here are five easy ways you can help:

  1. Spread the word about AbortionPillInfo.org. Tell your friends about it, chalk it on walls and sidewalks, write it on paper money, use our artwork to make stickers and flyers or even a t-shirt – get creative!
  2. Download the Euki reproductive health app, available in English and Spanish for iOS and Android. It includes accurate, up-to-date information about abortion pills and lots more!
  3. Like us on Facebook and share the things we post.
  4. Follow and retweet us on Twitter.
  5. Donate to support our worldwide team of counselors who answer questions 12 hours a day in multiple languages.

And if you’re willing to make a little bit more of a commitment, why not join one of our virtual trainings? You’ll learn how to share this information with other people in your community – and how to teach them to pass the information along themselves. Find out more by emailing us at info@abortionpillinfo.org. Please include your name, your city and state, and some information about why you’re interested. We’ll get back to you as promptly as we can!