Become a Safe, Trustworthy Source of Abortion Pill Info

dimanche, janvier 29, 2023 blog Share

Join one of our virtual trainings!

SMA training

You’ve got bookmarked. You’ve got the Euki reproductive health app on your phone. You tell people about both of them, sometimes in conversation and sometimes in more subtle ways. But you want to do even more to get this vital information out into the world. 

Give us a little time and we’ll give you the tools!

Join one of our virtual trainings to dig into the details of abortion pills in your own home. We’ll meet in a secure videoconference to talk about how abortion pills work, how they’re used – and most importantly, how to share this information in a way that’s safe both for you and the person you’re talking to.

These interactive sessions take about 2.5 hours. That gives you lots of opportunities to get your questions answered while learning new skills for talking about abortion pills. You’ll also connect with other motivated, enthusiastic people so you can practice together and support each other.

SASS virtual trainings are free. All we ask is that once you've learned the information, you keep sharing it.

Find out more by emailing us at with your name, your city and state, and some information about why you’re interested. Or visit our Facebook page!