blog archive


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  • The Amazing Story of Misoprostol

    Ending pregnancy isn’t all it can do! Read more »

  • What's the latest on abortion access and COVID-19?

    Here's the latest (good) news Read more »

  • More Difficult Isn’t the Same as Impossible

    Self-managed abortion during a global pandemic. Read more »

  • Reproductive Self-Care During the COVID-19 Outbreak

    Some thoughts about coping. Read more »

  • Here's what you should know about the abortion access case before the Supreme Court right now

    Believe it or not, coronavirus isn't the only thing going on right now Read more »

  • Here's why self-managed abortion is a great option while the US is dealing with the Corona virus

    You don't need to go to a doctor or a hospital to take abortion pills. Read more »

  • Argentina on track to legalize abortion

    The South American Country of Argentina is expected to legalize abortion, one of the only countries to do so in a predominantly Roman Catholic region. Read more »

  • Cómo investigar las pastillas abortivas con seguridad

    Imagina que has decidido a usar pastillas abortivas para terminar un embarazo. Has leído sobre cómo y dónde puedes conseguir las pastillas. Has buscado los protocolos confiables y probados de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para tomarlas. Has tomado las pastillas, siguiendo las instrucciones, y… Read more »

  • Cuatro razones por las que aún podrías estar embarazada después de usar píldoras abortivas

    Las píldoras abortivas son medicamentos y cualquier medicamento tiene la posibilidad de no ser eficaz. Read more »

  • These 5 Twitter Accounts are Standing Up for Abortion Access

    Like any social media platform, Twitter can be a difficult place to spend a lot of time. However, with a little tweaking of your feed, it can also be a great place to support, build community, and learn. Here are 5 accounts to follow to stay up to date on the latest in abortion rights and… Read more »

  • These 5 podcasts will give you the insight into the Religious Right that you never wanted (but you should have)

    It's vital that we understand the origins, motivations, and tactics of the Religious Right. Read more »

  • Mejillas, Lenguas, y Cuando Tragar

    Has decidido que quieres tener un aborto medico auto-administrado. Tienes las pastillas a mano y has arreglado todo que puedes para hacerse segura y cómoda . Y ahora, ¿que mas? Depende en que tienes mifepristona y misoprostol o si tienes misoprostol solamente. Alguien quien tiene las mifepristona y… Read more »

  • Building a Corps of SMA Trainers

    Submit YOUR application! Read more »

  • Most People Don't Regret Choosing Abortion

    We’ll say it again: Most people don’t regret choosing abortion. Read more »

  • How to Give Yourself an Abortion in Your Kitchen

    It doesn’t involve herbs, vegetables, or tropical fruit. Read more »

  • What You Should Know about "Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn"

    You deserve access to safe and effective abortion care on your own terms no matter what. Read more »

  • When Should You Take a Pregnancy Test?

    How soon can a pregnancy test tell you whether or not you're pregnant? When should you take one? Read more »

  • Getting Ready to Fight in 2020

    Misogynists might be in charge right now, but there are more of us. Read more »

  • SC state senator demands compensation for forced birth

    If the government won’t let you end a pregnancy, shouldn’t it cover the costs of parenthood? Read more »

  • 5 Wins for Abortion Rights in 2019

    Every win is important, so here are a few you should know about. Read more »