

  • pertanyaan dan jawaban

    Ini adalah jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang seringkali ditanyakan mengenai aborsi medis, kontrasepsi, dan kontrasepsi darurat. jika informasi yang anda cari tidak anda temukan, mohon tulis email kepada kami. Read more »

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  • abortion with pills in the USA

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  • Women Help Women Partners   including Safe Abortion Hotlines International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion  Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights Abortion Laws Map Abortion Laws around the World International Planned Parenthood Federation  Marie Stopes International   Informasi… Read more »

  • publications

    Our Publications   The Struggle for Bodily Autonomy: A Historical Perspective on Self-Managed Abortion in the United States ,   Susan Yanow, (2024), South Atlantic Quarterly Read more »

  • manuals and training materials

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  • stickers and posters

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  • Fakta

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