blog archive


ページ 12 / 19
  • Women's Health Protection Act is reintroduced in US Congress

    Proposed law would create a single nationwide standard for abortion access 続きを読む »

  • Yes, you can use the abortion pill if you're breastfeeding

    Abortion is a parenting decision. And you can safely take the abortion pill while breastfeeding your existing child. 続きを読む »

  • Information is Power

    Three things you need to know right now about attempts to restrict abortion 続きを読む »

  • Unhelpful Comments Directed at People Celebrating Abortion and How to Respond to Them with Facts and Science (If That’s Something You Feel Like Doing)

    Responding to comments like these is not for everyone. 続きを読む »

  • Five important podcasts about reproductive rights

    If you're looking for information, news, and great storytelling about abortion, reproductive rights and justice, we've compiled a list of podcasts we hope you'll enjoy. 続きを読む »

  • Federal Judge Blocks Restrictions on Family Planning Funds

    Health centers that provide or make referrals for abortions can continue participating in the Title X program 続きを読む »

  • Morning-After Pills vs. Abortion Pills

    One prevents pregnancy right after sex. The other ends pregnancy weeks later. Know the difference! 続きを読む »

  • What to do if your pregnancy continues after taking abortion pills

    What happens if your pregnancy continues after you take the pills? 続きを読む »

  • Self-Care During Your Self-Managed Abortion

    Make yourself as comfortable as possible. 続きを読む »

  • What you should know about medical abortion and infection

    Being aware of risk, even when it's rare, is a vital part of taking care of yourself. 続きを読む »

  • Who Should NOT Have a Medication Abortion

    No medication is right for everyone. Learn who should not take the abortion pill. 続きを読む »

  • Maine Lawsuit Aims to Expand Abortion Access

    This week, a judge in Maine heard arguments in a lawsuit that could expand abortion access in the state and set a precedent for others. 続きを読む »

  • Do you need to "clean your womb" after taking the abortion pill?

    Uteruses are basically self-cleaning ovens — that's what vaginal discharge and menstruation are for. 続きを読む »

  • Let’s #BustAbortionMyths!

    It's time for facts! 続きを読む »

  • California Reintroduces College Right to Access Act

    Law would make abortion pills available on state campuses 続きを読む »

  • Medical Abortion and Your Period

    You've confirmed that your medical abortion was successful. Now, when can you expect to get your period again? 続きを読む »

  • Arm Yourself in the War on Science

    Take the time to tell fact from fiction 続きを読む »

  • Coca-Cola won't terminate your pregnancy

    Coca-Cola doesn't terminate a pregnancy, nor is it a contraceptive. 続きを読む »

  • Rhetoric around “late-term abortion” is shaming and has to go

    The reality is that the reasons for having an abortion at any point are as complex, nuanced, and self-defined as the people who make them. 続きを読む »

  • Trump Administration Keeps Attacking Insurance Coverage for Abortion Care

    Another attempt to undermine access and affordability 続きを読む »