To advocate for the voice and action that would avert the plight of young women and girls and facilitate a visible and unique promotion of their Reproductive Health Rights. Location: Blantyre, Malawi
Key projects:
In 2013, we curried the project titled "Access to Sexual Reproductive Health services to young people in rural areas". The goal of the project was to advocate for the availability of free contraceptive to all rural government health facilities for young people in rural areas to access it easily. The project helped to reduce early pregnancies, school drop out and child marriages among the young people. In 2014, we are currying out a project called "Promoting Youth Health friendly services in government health facilities. The goal of the project is to advocate for the establishment of rooms within the health facilities where young people can access reproductive health services freely without fear of shyness. The project has helped to increase the number of young people especially young women to access reproductive health services which helped to reduce cases of early pregnancies, STIs including HIV/AIDS, School drop out, early marriages and unsafe abortion.
Expertise offered:
Sharing of best practices, capacity building of staff on advocacy, facilitation, guidance and counseling.
Dream project:
Our dream project that need support is "Reaching out Secondary School Students with Reproductive Health information". The goal of the project is to reach out students in Secondary Schools students with reproductive health information. The research we conducted in 5 Community Day secondary schools in June 2014, we found that 80 girls had dropped out from school due to pregnancies and the rate of students contracted STIs were high. The research further reviewed that most students are not accessing contraceptives due to lack of information. The project will help to equip secondary school students with sexual reproductive health information and the rate of early pregnancies will be reduced.