The Reproductive Health Training Center of the Republic of Moldova (RHTC) is a non-governmental organization, founded in 1998, with the mission to protect and promote reproductive and sexual rights and health in Moldova.
Location: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Key projects:
Since its creation, RHTC has struggled to ensure equal access to good quality reproductive health services to all the women, including adolescents and women from social marginalized groups; to provide education for sexual and reproductive rights and health among medical audiences and community members in Moldova.
The RHTC key projects and programs are training service providers and community members in reproductive health issues; development, scientific justification and implementation of community members’ and doctors’ training programs in reproductive health; implementation of cost-efficient abortion technologies, recommended by World Health Organization, the concept of "patient-centered care" in the reproductive health system.
Until now, the RHTC has successfully managed the implementation of 29 projects, with the support of World Health Organization, UNFPA, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Moldova, the State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu", national and international NGOs addressing youth and women’s SRHR issues, such as Gynuity Health Projects, CRR, FIAPAC, FIGO, etc.
Expertise offered:
The Reproductive Health Training Center during its 15 years of experience working on national, regional and international levels gained experience / expertise, which we are happy to share, like: audit of maternal mortality and morbidity; developing, adaptation and implementation of clinical guidelines and protocols in reproductive health; comprehensive abortion care: manual vacuum aspiration and medical abortion introduction; family planning; protection and promotion of sexual and reproductive rights, including the right to safe abortion; web development and maintenance, other social-media platforms; financial management.
Dream project:
The Reproductive Health Training Center is planning the following projects on both regional and national levels:
- RHTC will become Regional Training Center in developing, adaptation and implementation of clinical guidelines and protocols in reproductive health. Three RHTC staff members attended the ToT organized by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists from Great Britain and have been trained as trainers in writing the clinical guidelines and protocols. They will share their experience in the region.
- RHTC will become National Training Center in Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC), authorized by the Ministry of Health and regional Training Center, offering trainings supporting the introduction of aspiration and medical abortion for health care providers and support for policy development on quality abortion care.
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