S.A.F.E champions abortion access for the people failed by governments and healthcare services across Europe. We provide infrastructure, funding, knowledge, and other resources needed to turbo-charge the grassroots abortion movement, ensuring true reproductive justice.
We are Supporting Abortions for Everyone. We are S.A.F.E.
Located in the Netherlands, work pan-European
Key projects:
Our two main functions are 1. Raising money from foundations, individuals and more to distribute to individuals and organizations who are making abortion access possible across Europe and 2. Building and maintaining a secure online resource for abortion activists that includes everything needed to help someone get an abortion across Europe as well as information on how to set up a new abortion support group.
Expertise offered:
Together SAFE’s co-founders have over 25 years of experience in helping build abortion funds, scale them, sustain them, and helping people living across Europe access abortions outside of the “regular” system.
Support needed:
We need funding to support our work, as well as to provide seed funding for grassroots organizations and groups who are helping the most marginalized and oppressed people access abortions.
Social media: