Promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights for youth and women.
Contribute to the improvement of overall health by reducing risky sexual behaviour among young people (unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, HIV, STI’s, etc.);
Contribute to poverty reduction and the empowerment of women, who are the driver economic development, by promoting family planning (promoting sexual and reproductive health rights, providing access to modern contraception methods, etc)
Location: Port Gentil, Gabon
Key projects:
- Establishing and operating a center dedicated to promoting sexual and reproductive health in Port-Gentil (the first experiment of a family planning center in Gabon).
- Development of awareness-raising activities decentralized to the target audiences
1: Creation of a center dedicated to advising individuals, to disseminating information, and to organizing training on issues related to sexual and reproductive health - with a gynecological office with medical equipment for family planning
2: Conferences in secondary schools to prevent at risk sexual behavior (teenage pregnancies, abortions, STI’s, HIV, violence…)
3: Conferences at primary school to prevent early sexuality and sexual abuse
4: Conferences for adults in companies and communities about responsible sexual behavior
5: Personalized counseling at the Education and Counseling Center for girls and at-risk women, access to low cost modern contraceptive methods and private consultation.
6: Training in SRH education for young peer educators and social workers to relay our messages in their schools and communities
7: Organization of awareness campaigns and World Days relayed locally
Expertise offered:
Dream project:
Extension of our premises with equipped containers
Equipment of a gynecologist office (portable echograph, examination table, instruments, sterilizer)
Social media:
Interested in donating to Awareness - Health - Sexuality?
Also needed:
- Equipment of a gynecologist office (portable echograph, examination table, instruments, sterilizer)
- Hotline setup
- Contraceptives, preservatives, medical abortion kits supply